Fashion - Bachelors
This collection imagines runaway girls who followed their burgundy strands, “DOWN THE DRAIN”. It depicts the raw vulnerability and a budding femininity that is confined within the porcelain tiled walls of a girls bathroom. The rusted dull scissors held to the face, by clammy hands and an analysis of a mirrored reflection made by a nurtured judgmental gaze. The girls fleeing a mans world, twisting and contorting down sludge lined pipes to escape like their barrette, deep within the sewhers.
Ella Fulloon’s fastidious creative process, finds inspiration through her introspection. Born in the pages of her journal she explores fascinations with feminine sexuality & private vulnerability. She questions hair as an erotic signifier of youth, vitality, beauty & the ephemeral feminine ideal. Mixed with an obsession with rust dying, the ghost signature it leaves & early feminine nostalgia, she invites you down the drain & into her peculiar fairytale.